app/template/bravers/Product/detail.twig line 1

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  1. {#
  2. This file is part of EC-CUBE
  3. Copyright(c) EC-CUBE CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
  5. For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  6. file that was distributed with this source code.
  7. #}
  8. {% extends 'default_frame.twig' %}
  9. {% set body_class = 'product_page' %}
  10. {% block stylesheet %}
  11.     <style>
  12.     </style>
  13. {% endblock %}
  14. {% block javascript %}
  15.     <script>
  16.         eccube.classCategories = {{ class_categories_as_json(Product)|raw }};
  17.         // 規格2に選択肢を割り当てる。
  18.         function fnSetClassCategories(form, classcat_id2_selected) {
  19.             var $form = $(form);
  20.             var product_id = $form.find('input[name=product_id]').val();
  21.             var $sele1 = $form.find('select[name=classcategory_id1]');
  22.             var $sele2 = $form.find('select[name=classcategory_id2]');
  23.             eccube.setClassCategories($form, product_id, $sele1, $sele2, classcat_id2_selected);
  24.         }
  25.         {% if form.classcategory_id2 is defined %}
  26.         fnSetClassCategories(
  27.             $('#form1'), {{ form.classcategory_id2.vars.value|json_encode|raw }}
  28.         );
  29.         {% elseif form.classcategory_id1 is defined %}
  30.         eccube.checkStock($('#form1'), {{ }}, {{ form.classcategory_id1.vars.value|json_encode|raw }}, null);
  31.         {% endif %}
  32.     </script>
  33.     <script>
  34.         $(function() {
  35.             // bfcache無効化
  36.             $(window).bind('pageshow', function(event) {
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  39.                 }
  40.             });
  41.         });
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  50.             spaceBetween: 6,
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  53.         const slider = new Swiper(".slider", {
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  56.                 swiper: sliderThumbnail,
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  59.         // ウィンドウがリサイズされたときに実行する関数
  60.         function updatePaddingTop() {
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  62.             const thumbnailElements = document.querySelectorAll('.thumbnailImage');
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  64.             thumbnailElements.forEach(function(thumbnailElement) {
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  66.                 let thumbnailWidth = parseFloat(computedStyle.width);
  67.        = thumbnailWidth + 'px';
  68.             });
  69.         }
  70.         // 初回の実行
  71.         updatePaddingTop();
  72.         // ウィンドウのリサイズが終わったら実行
  73.         window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
  74.             updatePaddingTop();
  75.         });
  76.     </script>
  77.     <script>
  78.         $(function() {
  79.             $('.add-cart').on('click', function(event) {
  80.                 {% if form.classcategory_id1 is defined %}
  81.                 // 規格1フォームの必須チェック
  82.                 if ($('#classcategory_id1').val() == '__unselected' || $('#classcategory_id1').val() == '') {
  83.                     $('#classcategory_id1')[0].setCustomValidity('{{ '項目が選択されていません'|trans }}');
  84.                     return true;
  85.                 } else {
  86.                     $('#classcategory_id1')[0].setCustomValidity('');
  87.                 }
  88.                 {% endif %}
  89.                 {% if form.classcategory_id2 is defined %}
  90.                 // 規格2フォームの必須チェック
  91.                 if ($('#classcategory_id2').val() == '__unselected' || $('#classcategory_id2').val() == '') {
  92.                     $('#classcategory_id2')[0].setCustomValidity('{{ '項目が選択されていません'|trans }}');
  93.                     return true;
  94.                 } else {
  95.                     $('#classcategory_id2')[0].setCustomValidity('');
  96.                 }
  97.                 {% endif %}
  98.                 // 個数フォームのチェック
  99.                 if ($('#quantity').val() < 1) {
  100.                     $('#quantity')[0].setCustomValidity('{{ '1以上で入力してください。'|trans }}');
  101.                     return true;
  102.                 } else {
  103.                     $('#quantity')[0].setCustomValidity('');
  104.                 }
  105.                 event.preventDefault();
  106.                 $form = $('#form1');
  107.                 $.ajax({
  108.                     url: $form.attr('action'),
  109.                     type: $form.attr('method'),
  110.                     data: $form.serialize(),
  111.                     dataType: 'json',
  112.                     beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
  113.                         // Buttonを無効にする
  114.                         $('.add-cart').prop('disabled', true);
  115.                     }
  116.                 }).done(function(data) {
  117.                     // レスポンス内のメッセージをalertで表示
  118.                     $.each(data.messages, function() {
  119.                         $('#ec-modal-header').text(this);
  120.                     });
  121.                     $('.ec-modal').show()
  122.                     // カートブロックを更新する
  123.                     $.ajax({
  124.                         url: "{{ url('block_cart') }}",
  125.                         type: 'GET',
  126.                         dataType: 'html'
  127.                     }).done(function(html) {
  128.                         $('.ec-headerRole__cart').html(html);
  129.                     });
  130.                 }).fail(function(data) {
  131.                     alert('{{ 'カートへの追加に失敗しました。'|trans }}');
  132.                 }).always(function(data) {
  133.                     // Buttonを有効にする
  134.                     $('.add-cart').prop('disabled', false);
  135.                 });
  136.             });
  137.         });
  138.         $('.ec-modal-wrap').on('click', function(e) {
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  140.             e.stopPropagation();
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  144.         });
  145.     </script>
  146.     <script type="application/ld+json">
  147.     {
  148.         "@context": "",
  149.         "@type": "Product",
  150.         "name": "{{ }}",
  151.         "image": [
  152.             {% for img in Product.ProductImage %}
  153.                 "{{ app.request.schemeAndHttpHost }}{{ asset(img, 'save_image') }}"{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
  154.             {% else %}
  155.                 "{{ app.request.schemeAndHttpHost }}{{ asset(''|no_image_product, 'save_image') }}"
  156.             {% endfor %}
  157.         ],
  158.         "description": "{{ Product.description_list | default(Product.description_detail) | replace({'\n': '', '\r': ''}) | slice(0,300) }}",
  159.         {% if Product.code_min %}
  160.         "sku": "{{ Product.code_min }}",
  161.         {% endif %}
  162.         "offers": {
  163.             "@type": "Offer",
  164.             "url": "{{ url('product_detail', {'id':}) }}",
  165.             "priceCurrency": "{{ eccube_config.currency }}",
  166.             "price": {{ Product.getPrice02IncTaxMin ? Product.getPrice02IncTaxMin : 0}},
  167.             "availability": "{{ Product.stock_find ? "InStock" : "OutOfStock" }}"
  168.         }
  169.     }
  170.     </script>
  171. {% endblock %}
  172. {% block main %}
  173.     <div class="ec-productRole">
  174.         <ul class="breadcrumb">
  175.             <li class="breadcrumb__item">
  176.                 <a href="{{ url('product_list') }}" class="breadcrumb__item__link">
  177.                     ホーム
  178.                 </a>
  179.             </li>
  180.             <li class="breadcrumb__item">
  181.                 <p class="breadcrumb__item__arrow">></p>
  182.             </li>
  183.             {% if BreadcrumbCategory is not empty %}
  184.                 {# {% set ProductCategory = Product.ProductCategories|first %} #}
  185.                 {% for Category in BreadcrumbCategory.path %}
  186.                     {% if != constant('Customize\\Common\\Constant::MANUFACTURER_CATEGORY_ID') %}
  187.                     <li class="breadcrumb__item">
  188.                         <a class="breadcrumb__item__link" href="{{ url('product_list') }}?category_id={{ }}">
  189.                             {{ }}
  190.                         </a>
  191.                     </li>
  192.                      <li class="breadcrumb__item">
  193.                         <p class="breadcrumb__item__arrow">></p>
  194.                     </li>
  195.                     {% endif %}
  196.                 {% endfor %}
  197.             {% endif %}
  198.             <li class="breadcrumb__item">
  199.                 <p class="breadcrumb__item__text" href="javascript:void(0)">
  200.                     {{ }}
  201.                 </p>
  202.             </li>
  203.         </ul>
  204.         <div class="ec-productDetail">
  205.             <div class="ec-productDetail__image">
  206.                 <!-- スライダー -->
  207.                 <div class="swiper slider">
  208.                     <div class="swiper-wrapper">
  209.                         {% for ProductImage in Product.ProductImage %}
  210.                             <div class="swiper-slide"><img src="{{ asset(ProductImage, 'save_image') }}" alt="{{ loop.first ? : '' }}" width="550" height="550"{% if loop.index > 1 %} loading="lazy"{% endif %}></div>
  211.                         {% else %}
  212.                             <div class="swiper-slide"><img src="{{ asset(''|no_image_product, 'save_image') }}" alt="{{ loop.first ? : '' }}" width="550" height="550"></div>
  213.                         {% endfor %}
  214.                     </div>
  215.                 </div>
  216.                 <!-- サムネイル -->
  217.                 <div class="swiper slider-thumbnail">
  218.                     <div class="swiper-wrapper">
  219.                         {% for ProductImage in Product.ProductImage %}
  220.                             <div class="swiper-slide thumbnailImage" data-index="{{ loop.index0 }}">
  221.                                 <img src="{{ asset(ProductImage, 'save_image') }}" alt="" width="125" height="125">
  222.                             </div>
  223.                         {% endfor %}
  224.                     </div>
  225.                 </div>
  226.             </div>
  227.             <div class="ec-productDetail__content">
  228.                 {# 商品名 #}
  229.                 <div class="ec-productDetail__content__title">
  230.                     <h2 class="ec-headingTitle">{{ }}</h2>
  231.                 </div>
  232.                 {# 関連カテゴリ #}
  233.                 {# {% if Product.ProductCategories is not empty %}
  234.                     <div class="ec-productRole__category">
  235.                         <div>{{ '関連カテゴリ'|trans }}</div>
  236.                         {% for ProductCategory in Product.ProductCategories %}
  237.                             <ul>
  238.                                 <li>
  239.                                     {% for Category in ProductCategory.Category.path %}
  240.                                         <a href="{{ url('product_list') }}?category_id={{ }}">{{ }}</a> 
  241.                                         {%- if loop.last == false %}
  242.                                             <span>></span>
  243.                                         {% endif -%}
  244.                                     {% endfor %}
  245.                                 </li>
  246.                             </ul>
  247.                         {% endfor %}
  248.                     </div>
  249.                 {% endif %} #}
  251.                 {% if MakerCategory %}
  252.                 <dl class="ec-productDetail__content__category">
  253.                     <dt class="ec-productDetail__content__category__dt">メーカー</dt>
  254.                     <dd class="ec-productDetail__content__category__dd">
  255.                         {% for Category in MakerCategory.path %}
  256.                             {% if != constant('Customize\\Common\\Constant::MANUFACTURER_CATEGORY_ID') %}
  257.                                 <a href="{{ url('product_list') }}?category_id={{ }}">{{ }}</a> 
  258.                                 {%- if loop.last == false %}
  259.                                     <span>></span>
  260.                                 {% endif -%}
  261.                             {% endif %}
  262.                         {% endfor %}
  263.                     </dd>
  264.                 </dl>
  265.                 {% endif %}
  267.                 {% if DefaultCategory %}
  268.                 <dl class="ec-productDetail__content__category">
  269.                     <dt class="ec-productDetail__content__category__dt">カテゴリー</dt>
  270.                     <dd class="ec-productDetail__content__category__dd">
  271.                         {% for Category in DefaultCategory.path %}
  272.                             {% if != constant('Customize\\Common\\Constant::DEFAULT_CATEGORY_ID') %}
  273.                                 <a href="{{ url('product_list') }}?category_id={{ }}">{{ }}</a> 
  274.                                 {%- if loop.last == false %}
  275.                                     <span>></span>
  276.                                 {% endif -%}
  277.                             {% endif %}
  278.                         {% endfor %}
  279.                     </dd>
  280.                 </dl>
  281.                 {% endif %}
  282.                 {% if is_granted('ROLE_USER') %}
  283.                     <dl class="ec-productDetail__content__category">
  284.                         <dt class="ec-productDetail__content__category__dt">{{ '発送目安'|trans }}</dt>
  285.                         <dd class="ec-productDetail__content__category__dd">
  286.                             {% if Product.getDeliveryDuration %}
  287.                                 {{}}
  288.                             {% else %}
  289.                                 未定
  290.                             {% endif %}
  291.                         </dd>
  292.                     </dl>
  293.                     <dl class="ec-productDetail__content__category">
  294.                         <dt class="ec-productDetail__content__category__dt">{{ '在庫'|trans }}</dt>
  295.                         <dd class="ec-productDetail__content__category__dd">
  296.                             {% if Product.getStockUnlimitedMin or Product.getStockMin >= 10 %}
  297.                                 ◎
  298.                             {% else %}
  299.                                 {% if Product.getStockMin >= 1 and Product.getStockMin <= 9 %}
  300.                                     ○
  301.                                 {% endif %}
  302.                                 {% if Product.getStockMin <= 0 %}
  303.                                     ■
  304.                                 {% endif %}
  305.                             {% endif %}
  306.                         </dd>
  307.                     </dl>
  308.                     <p class="ec-productDetail__content__line"></p>
  309.                     <div class="ec-productDetail__content__description">{{ Product.description_detail|raw|nl2br }}</div>
  310.                     {# タグ #}
  311.                     {# {% if Product.Tags is not empty %}
  312.                     <ul class="ec-productRole__tags">
  313.                         {% for Tag in Product.Tags %}
  314.                             <li class="ec-productRole__tag tag_{{ }}">{{ Tag }}</li>
  315.                         {% endfor %}
  316.                     </ul>
  317.                     {% endif %} #}
  318.                     <p class="ec-productDetail__content__line"></p>
  319.                     {# 通常価格 #}
  320.                     {% if Product.hasProductClass -%}
  321.                         <div class="ec-productDetail__content__priceRegular">
  322.                             {% if Product.getPrice01Min is not null and Product.getPrice01IncTaxMin == Product.getPrice01IncTaxMax %}
  323.                                 <span class="ec-productRole__priceRegularPrice">{{ '通常価格'|trans }}:<span class="price01-default">{{ Product.getPrice01IncTaxMin|price }}</span></span>
  324.                                 <span class="ec-productRole__priceRegularTax">{{ '税込'|trans }}</span>
  325.                             {% elseif Product.getPrice01Min is not null and Product.getPrice01Max is not null %}
  326.                                 <span class="ec-productRole__priceRegularPrice">{{ '通常価格'|trans }}:<span class="price01-default">{{ Product.getPrice01IncTaxMin|price }}~ {{ Product.getPrice01IncTaxMax|price }}</span></span>
  327.                                 <span class="ec-productRole__priceRegularTax">{{ '税込'|trans }}</span>
  328.                             {% endif %}
  329.                         </div>
  330.                     {% else %}
  331.                         {% if Product.getPrice01Max is not null %}
  332.                             <div class="ec-productDetail__content__priceRegular">
  333.                                 <span class="ec-productRole__priceRegularPrice">{{ '通常価格'|trans }}:{{ Product.getPrice01IncTaxMin|price }}</span>
  334.                                 <span class="ec-productRole__priceRegularTax">{{ '税込'|trans }}</span>
  335.                             </div>
  336.                         {% endif %}
  337.                     {% endif %}
  338.                     {# 販売価格 #}
  339.                     <div class="ec-productDetail__content__price">
  340.                         {% if Product.hasProductClass -%}
  341.                             {% if Product.getPrice02IncTaxMin == Product.getPrice02IncTaxMax %}
  342.                                 <div class="ec-price">
  343.                                     <span class="ec-price__price price02-default">{{ Product.getPrice02IncTaxMin|price }}</span>
  344.                                     <span class="ec-price__tax">{{ '税込'|trans }}</span>
  345.                                 </div>
  346.                             {% else %}
  347.                                 <div class="ec-price">
  348.                                     <span class="ec-price__price price02-default">{{ Product.getPrice02IncTaxMin|price }} ~ {{ Product.getPrice02IncTaxMax|price }}</span>
  349.                                     <span class="ec-price__tax">{{ '税込'|trans }}</span>
  350.                                 </div>
  351.                             {% endif %}
  352.                         {% else %}
  353.                             <div class="ec-price">
  354.                                 <span class="ec-price__price">{{ Product.getPrice02IncTaxMin|price }}</span>
  355.                                 <span class="ec-price__tax">{{ '税込'|trans }}</span>
  356.                             </div>
  357.                         {% endif %}
  358.                     </div>
  359.                     {# 商品コード #}
  360.                     {# {% if Product.code_min is not empty %}
  361.                         <div class="ec-productRole__code">
  362.                             {{ '商品コード'|trans }}: <span class="product-code-default">{{ Product.code_min }}{% if Product.code_min != Product.code_max %} ~ {{ Product.code_max }}{% endif %}</span>
  363.                         </div>
  364.                     {% endif %} #}
  365.                     <form action="{{ url('product_add_cart', {}) }}" method="post" id="form1" name="form1">
  366.                         <div class="ec-productDetail__content__form">
  367.                             {% if not Product.getStockUnlimitedMin and Product.getStockMin <= 0 and Product.isStockDiscontinued %}
  368.                                 <div class="ec-productRole__btn soldOut">
  369.                                     <button type="button" class="ec-blockBtn--action" disabled="disabled">
  370.                                         {{ 'ただいま品切れ中です。'|trans }}
  371.                                     </button>
  372.                                 </div>
  373.                             {% else %}
  374.                                 <div class="ec-productDetail__content__num">
  375.                                     {% if form.classcategory_id1 is defined %}
  376.                                         <div class="ec-select">
  377.                                             {{ form_row(form.classcategory_id1) }}
  378.                                             {{ form_errors(form.classcategory_id1) }}
  379.                                         </div>
  380.                                         {% if form.classcategory_id2 is defined %}
  381.                                             <div class="ec-select">
  382.                                                 {{ form_row(form.classcategory_id2) }}
  383.                                                 {{ form_errors(form.classcategory_id2) }}
  384.                                             </div>
  385.                                         {% endif %}
  386.                                     {% endif %}
  387.                                     <div class="ec-numberInput"><span>{{ '数量'|trans }}</span>
  388.                                         {{ form_widget(form.quantity) }}
  389.                                         {{ form_errors(form.quantity) }}
  390.                                     </div>
  391.                                 </div>
  392.                                 <div class="ec-productRole__btn">
  393.                                     <button type="submit" class="ec-regular__btn add-cart">
  394.                                         {{ 'カートに入れる'|trans }}
  395.                                     </button>
  396.                                 </div>
  397.                             {% endif %}
  398.                             {{ form_rest(form) }}
  399.                         </div>
  400.                     </form>
  401.                     <div class="ec-modal">
  402.                         <div class="ec-modal-overlay">
  403.                             <div class="ec-modal-wrap product-detail">
  404.                                 <span class="ec-modal-close"><span class="ec-icon"><img src="{{ asset('assets/icon/cross-dark.svg') }}" alt=""/></span></span>
  405.                                 <div id="ec-modal-header" class="text-center">{{ 'カートに追加しました。'|trans }}</div>
  406.                                 <div class="ec-modal-box">
  407.                                     <div class="ec-role">
  408.                                         <span class="ec-inlineBtn--cancel">{{ 'お買い物を続ける'|trans }}</span>
  409.                                         <a href="{{ url('cart') }}" class="ec-inlineBtn--action">{{ 'カートへ進む'|trans }}</a>
  410.                                     </div>
  411.                                 </div>
  412.                             </div>
  413.                         </div>
  414.                     </div>
  415.                     {% if BaseInfo.option_favorite_product %}
  416.                         <form action="{{ url('product_add_favorite', {}) }}" method="post">
  417.                             <div class="ec-productRole__btn ec-productRoleFavorite__btn">
  418.                                 {% if is_favorite == false %}
  419.                                     <button type="submit" id="favorite" class="ec-blockBtn--cancel active">
  420.                                         <img src="{{ asset('assets/img/favorite/after.svg') }}" alt="お気に入り" width="24" height="24" loading="lazy">
  421.                                         <span>{{ 'お気に入りに追加'|trans }}</span>
  422.                                     </button>
  423.                                 {% else %}
  424.                                     <button type="submit" id="favorite" class="ec-blockBtn--cancel"
  425.                                             disabled="disabled">
  426.                                             <img src="{{ asset('assets/img/favorite/before.svg') }}" alt="お気に入り" width="24" height="24" loading="lazy">
  427.                                             <span>{{ 'お気に入りに追加済です。'|trans }}</span>
  428.                                     </button>
  429.                                 {% endif %}
  430.                             </div>
  431.                         </form>
  432.                     {% endif %}
  433.                 {% else %}
  434.                     <a href="{{ url('entry_contact') }}" class="ec-blockProductBtn--action">会員登録はこちら</a>
  435.                 {% endif %}
  436.                 <p class="ec-productDetail__content__line"></p>
  437.                 <ul class="ec-productDetail__content__faq">
  438.                     <li class="ec-productDetail__content__faq__item"><button class="modal-toggle" data-modal="detailPostage">送料について</button></li>
  439.                     <li class="ec-productDetail__content__faq__item"><button class="modal-toggle" data-modal="detailDelivery">お届け日について</button></li>
  440.                     <li class="ec-productDetail__content__faq__item"><button class="modal-toggle" data-modal="detailPay">お支払い方法/領収書について</button></li>
  441.                     <li class="ec-productDetail__content__faq__item"><button class="modal-toggle" data-modal="detailProductReturn">返品</button></li>
  442.                     <li class="ec-productDetail__content__faq__item"><button class="modal-toggle" data-modal="detailRepair">修理について</button></li>
  443.                 </ul>
  444.             </div>
  445.         </div>
  446.         {# {% if Product.freearea %}
  447.              <div class="ec-productRole__description">
  448.                  {{ include(template_from_string(Product.freearea)) }}
  449.             </div>
  450.         {% endif %} #}
  451.     </div>
  452.     <!-- modal一覧 -->
  453.     <div id="detailPostage" class="modal-outer">
  454.         <div class="modal-inner productDetail">
  455.             <div class="modal-inner__content">
  456.                 <button class="modalCloseTop"></button>
  457.                 <p class="modal-inner__content__title">
  458.                     送料について
  459.                 </p>
  460.                 <p class="modal-inner__content__detail">10,000円(税抜)以上は送料無料<br>10,000円未満は地域別送料が発生します。</p>
  461.                 <table class="modal-inner__content__postage" border="1">
  462.                     <tr><th class="postage__title" colspan="8">北海道・東北</th></tr>
  463.                     <tr>
  464.                         <th>北海道</th>
  465.                         <th>青森県</th>
  466.                         <th>秋田県</th>
  467.                         <th>岩手県</th>
  468.                         <th>宮城県</th>
  469.                         <th>山形県</th>
  470.                         <th>福島県</th>
  471.                         <th></th>
  472.                     </tr>
  473.                     <tr>
  474.                         <td>1100円</td>
  475.                         <td colspan="3">800円</td>
  476.                         <td colspan="3">700円</td>
  477.                         <td></td>
  478.                     </tr>
  479.                     <tr><th class="postage__title" colspan="8">関東</th></tr>
  480.                     <tr>
  481.                         <th>茨城県</th>
  482.                         <th>栃木県</th>
  483.                         <th>群馬県</th>
  484.                         <th>埼玉県</th>
  485.                         <th>千葉県</th>
  486.                         <th>神奈川県</th>
  487.                         <th>東京都</th>
  488.                         <th>山梨県</th>
  489.                     </tr>
  490.                     <tr>
  491.                         <td colspan="8">700円</td>
  492.                     </tr>
  493.                     <tr><th class="postage__title" colspan="8">信越</th></tr>
  494.                     <tr>
  495.                         <th>新潟県</th>
  496.                         <th>長野県</th>
  497.                         <th></th>
  498.                         <th></th>
  499.                         <th></th>
  500.                         <th></th>
  501.                         <th></th>
  502.                         <th></th>
  503.                     </tr>
  504.                     <tr>
  505.                         <td colspan="2">700円</td>
  506.                         <td></td>
  507.                         <td></td>
  508.                         <td></td>
  509.                         <td></td>
  510.                         <td></td>
  511.                         <td></td>
  512.                     </tr>
  513.                     <tr><th class="postage__title" colspan="8">中部・北陸</th></tr>
  514.                     <tr>
  515.                         <th>静岡県</th>
  516.                         <th>愛知県</th>
  517.                         <th>三重県</th>
  518.                         <th>岐阜県</th>
  519.                         <th>富山県</th>
  520.                         <th>石川県</th>
  521.                         <th>福井県</th>
  522.                         <th></th>
  523.                     </tr>
  524.                     <tr>
  525.                         <td colspan="7">700円</td>
  526.                         <td></td>
  527.                     </tr>
  528.                     <tr><th class="postage__title" colspan="8">関西</th></tr>
  529.                     <tr>
  530.                         <th>大阪府</th>
  531.                         <th>京都府</th>
  532.                         <th>滋賀県</th>
  533.                         <th>奈良県</th>
  534.                         <th>和歌山県</th>
  535.                         <th>兵庫県</th>
  536.                         <th></th>
  537.                         <th></th>
  538.                     </tr>
  539.                     <tr>
  540.                         <td colspan="6">800円</td>
  541.                         <td></td>
  542.                         <td></td>
  543.                     </tr>
  544.                     <tr><th class="postage__title" colspan="8">中国</th></tr>
  545.                     <tr>
  546.                         <th>岡山県</th>
  547.                         <th>広島県</th>
  548.                         <th>山口県</th>
  549.                         <th>鳥取県</th>
  550.                         <th>島根県</th>
  551.                         <th></th>
  552.                         <th></th>
  553.                         <th></th>
  554.                     </tr>
  555.                     <tr>
  556.                         <td colspan="5">900円</td>
  557.                         <td></td>
  558.                         <td></td>
  559.                         <td></td>
  560.                     </tr>
  561.                     <tr><th class="postage__title" colspan="8">中国</th></tr>
  562.                     <tr>
  563.                         <th>岡山県</th>
  564.                         <th>広島県</th>
  565.                         <th>山口県</th>
  566.                         <th>鳥取県</th>
  567.                         <th>島根県</th>
  568.                         <th></th>
  569.                         <th></th>
  570.                         <th></th>
  571.                     </tr>
  572.                     <tr>
  573.                         <td colspan="5">900円</td>
  574.                         <td></td>
  575.                         <td></td>
  576.                         <td></td>
  577.                     </tr>
  578.                     <tr><th class="postage__title" colspan="8">四国</th></tr>
  579.                     <tr>
  580.                         <th>香川県</th>
  581.                         <th>徳島県</th>
  582.                         <th>愛媛県</th>
  583.                         <th>高知県</th>
  584.                         <th></th>
  585.                         <th></th>
  586.                         <th></th>
  587.                         <th></th>
  588.                     </tr>
  589.                     <tr>
  590.                         <td colspan="4">1000円</td>
  591.                         <td></td>
  592.                         <td></td>
  593.                         <td></td>
  594.                     </tr>
  595.                     <tr><th class="postage__title" colspan="8">九州・沖縄</th></tr>
  596.                     <tr>
  597.                         <th>福岡県</th>
  598.                         <th>大分県</th>
  599.                         <th>長崎県</th>
  600.                         <th>佐賀県</th>
  601.                         <th>宮崎県</th>
  602.                         <th>熊本県</th>
  603.                         <th>鹿児島県</th>
  604.                         <th>沖縄</th>
  605.                     </tr>
  606.                     <tr>
  607.                         <td colspan="7">1100円</td>
  608.                         <td>1200円</td>
  609.                     </tr>
  610.                 </table>
  611.             </div>
  612.         </div>
  613.     </div>
  614.     <div id="detailDelivery" class="modal-outer">
  615.         <div class="modal-inner productDetail">
  616.             <div class="modal-inner__content">
  617.                 <button class="modalCloseTop"></button>
  618.                 <p class="modal-inner__content__title">
  619.                     お届け日について
  620.                 </p>
  621.                 <div class="modal-inner__content__map">
  622.                     <div class="modal-inner__content__map__block">
  623.                         <ul class="modal-inner__content__map__block__list">
  624.                             <li class="modal-inner__content__map__block__list__item">翌日着</li>
  625.                             <li class="modal-inner__content__map__block__list__item">翌々日着</li>
  626.                             <li class="modal-inner__content__map__block__list__item">平日中3日着</li>
  627.                         </ul>
  628.                         <div class="modal-inner__content__map__block__image">
  629.                             <img src="{{ asset('assets/img/product/map.png') }}" alt="日本地図" width="2084" height="1473" loading="lazy">
  630.                         </div>
  631.                     </div>
  632.                     <div class="modal-inner__content__map__detail">
  633.                         <table class="modal-inner__content__map__detail__table" border="1">
  634.                             <tr>
  635.                                 <th class="title">12時まで注文の<br>最短お届け日</th>
  636.                                 <th>配送エリア</th>
  637.                             <tr>
  638.                             <tr>
  639.                                 <td class="tdMain">翌日着</td>
  640.                                 <td>
  641.                                     <ul>
  642.                                         <li>【東北】 岩手・宮城・山形・福島</li>
  643.                                         <li>【甲信越】 新潟・長野・山梨</li>
  644.                                         <li>【関東】 東京・神奈川・埼玉・千葉・茨城・栃木・群馬</li>
  645.                                         <li>【北陸】 富山・石川・福井</li>
  646.                                         <li>【東海】 愛知・岐阜・静岡・三重</li>
  647.                                         <li>【関西】 大阪・兵庫・京都・滋賀・奈良</li>
  648.                                     </ul> 
  649.                                 </td>
  650.                             <tr>
  651.                             <tr>
  652.                                 <td class="tdMain">翌々日着</td>
  653.                                 <td>
  654.                                     <ul>
  655.                                         <li>【北海道】 北海道</li>
  656.                                         <li>【東北】 青森・秋田</li>
  657.                                         <li>【関西】 和歌山</li>
  658.                                         <li>【中国】 鳥取・島根・岡山・広島・山口</li>
  659.                                         <li>【四国】 徳島・香川・愛媛・高知</li>
  660.                                         <li>【九州】 福岡・佐賀・長崎・熊本・大分・宮崎・鹿児島</li>
  661.                                     </ul> 
  662.                                 </td>
  663.                             <tr>
  664.                             <tr>
  665.                                 <td class="tdMain">平日中3日着</td>
  666.                                 <td>
  667.                                     <ul>
  668.                                         <li>【沖縄】 沖縄</li>
  669.                                         <li>【その他】 離島</li>
  670.                                     </ul> 
  671.                                 </td>
  672.                             <tr>
  673.                         </table>
  674.                     </div>
  675.                 </div>
  676.             </div>
  677.         </div>
  678.     </div>
  679.     <div id="detailPay" class="modal-outer">
  680.         <div class="modal-inner payDetail">
  681.             <div class="modal-inner__content">
  682.                 <button class="modalCloseTop"></button>
  683.                 <p class="modal-inner__content__title">
  684.                     お支払い方法/領収書について
  685.                 </p>
  686.                 <dl class="modal-inner__content__pay">
  687.                     <dt class="modal-inner__content__pay__dt">●クレジットカード決済</dt>
  688.                     <dd class="modal-inner__content__pay__dd">
  689.                         VISA・Master・JCB・Diners・AMEX 分割払い可能 手数料無料
  690.                         <br>荷物に納品書兼領収書を同梱します。
  691.                         <br>カード会社が発行する利用明細も領収書の代わりとなります。
  692.                     </dd>
  693.                     <dt class="modal-inner__content__pay__dt">●代金引換</dt>
  694.                     <dd class="modal-inner__content__pay__dd">
  695.                         商品受取時に配送業者にお支払いください(現金のみ)
  696.                         <br>1万円(税抜)以上手数料無料
  697.                         <br>1万円(税抜)未満手数料300円(税抜)
  698.                         <br>荷物受取りの際に配送業者さんがお渡しする
  699.                         <br>送り状(伝票)の控えが領収書となります。
  700.                     </dd>
  701.                     <dt class="modal-inner__content__pay__dt">●コンビニ後払い</dt>
  702.                     <dd class="modal-inner__content__pay__dd">
  703.                         会員登録住所へ請求書ハガキを郵送しますのでコンビニにてお支払いください。
  704.                         <br>5万円(税込)まで利用可能※審査があります
  705.                         <br>手数料190円(税抜)
  706.                         <br>コンビニでお支払いの際にレジでお渡しする
  707.                         <br>お客様控え(払込受領書)が領収書となります
  708.                     </dd>
  709.                 </dl>
  710.                 <p class="modal-inner__content__pay__text">「<a href="{{ url('mypage') }}">マイページ</a>」-「<a href="">領収書一覧</a>」より領収書の発行もできます</p>
  711.             </div>
  712.         </div>
  713.     </div>
  714.     <div id="detailProductReturn" class="modal-outer">
  715.         <div class="modal-inner payDetail">
  716.             <div class="modal-inner__content">
  717.                 <button class="modalCloseTop"></button>
  718.                 <p class="modal-inner__content__title">
  719.                     返品
  720.                 </p>
  721.                 <dl class="modal-inner__content__pay">
  722.                     <dt class="modal-inner__content__pay__dt">●返品</dt>
  723.                     <dd class="modal-inner__content__pay__dd">
  724.                         到着後14日以内の商品で未使用・未開封に限り返品を受け付けます。
  725.                         <br> (キャンセル不可・受注発注品は除きます)
  726.                         <br>返品いただく際の送料はお客様ご負担になります。
  727.                         <br>銀行振込(手数料5%を差し引きます)で返金します。
  728.                         <br>受取時破損や初期不良は別対応になりますので
  729.                         <br>お問い合わせください。
  730.                     </dd>
  731.                 </dl>
  732.             </div>
  733.         </div>
  734.     </div>
  735.     <div id="detailRepair" class="modal-outer">
  736.         <div class="modal-inner productDetail">
  737.             <div class="modal-inner__content">
  738.                 <button class="modalCloseTop"></button>
  739.                 <p class="modal-inner__content__title">
  740.                     修理について
  741.                 </p>
  742.                 <dl class="modal-inner__content__pay">
  743.                     <dt class="modal-inner__content__pay__dt">●修理</dt>
  744.                     <dd class="modal-inner__content__pay__dd">
  745.                         Breavers shopで購入した商品の修理を受け付けます。
  746.                     </dd>
  747.                 </dl>
  748.                 <ul class="modal-inner__content__repair">
  749.                     <li class="modal-inner__content__repair__item">
  750.                         <p class="modal-inner__content__repair__item__title">初期不良</p>
  751.                         <p class="modal-inner__content__repair__item__detail">
  752.                             到着後30日以内で故障した場合、交換または返品対応します。
  753.                             <br>ご連絡のうえ「保証書」「付属品」を同梱し着払いにてお送りください。
  754.                             <br>交換品の送料も無料です。
  755.                         </p>
  756.                     </li>
  757.                     <li class="modal-inner__content__repair__item">
  758.                         <p class="modal-inner__content__repair__item__title">保証期間内</p>
  759.                         <p class="modal-inner__content__repair__item__detail">
  760.                             到着後、保証期間内の場合は、無償修理します。
  761.                             <br>ご連絡のうえ「保証書」「付属品」を同梱しお送りください。
  762.                             <br>お送りいただく際の送料はお客様ご負担になります。
  763.                             <br>修理完了後の送料は無料です。
  764.                         </p>
  765.                         <p class="modal-inner__content__repair__item__notice">
  766.                             ※保証期間内でもメーカー判断により有償になる場合もございます。
  767.                             <br>その際はご連絡しますのでご確認ください。
  768.                         </p>
  769.                     </li>
  770.                     <li class="modal-inner__content__repair__item">
  771.                         <p class="modal-inner__content__repair__item__title">保証期間外(保証書なし)</p>
  772.                         <p class="modal-inner__content__repair__item__detail">
  773.                             保証期間が過ぎている(もしくはない)場合は有償修理します。
  774.                             <br>ご連絡のうえ「保証書(任意)」「付属品」を同梱しお送りください。
  775.                             <br>お送りいただく際の送料はお客様ご負担になります。
  776.                             <br>修理金額は確定後ご連絡します。
  777.                             <br>修理完了後の送料は無料です。
  778.                             <br>代金引換でお送りします。
  779.                         </p>
  780.                     </li>
  781.                 </ul>
  782.                 <p class="modal-inner__content__address">
  783.                     【送付先】
  784.                     <br>株式会社bravers[Breavers shop修理の依頼]
  785.                     <br>〒599-8111
  786.                     <br>大阪府堺市東区日置荘北町2丁目17-19
  787.                     <br>072-363-3131
  788.                 </p>
  789.             </div>
  790.         </div>
  791.     </div>
  792. {% endblock %}